Closed consultations

Consultations that have closed are listed below. When they are available, summaries and analyses of responses and policy decision announcements are included. For details, please follow the links.

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  • Start — 1 June 2016
  • End — 21 September 2016
  • Status — Closed, analysis of responses published

Read: Looking to the Future: Accounts Rules review

  • Start — 1 June 2016
  • End — 21 September 2016
  • Status — Closed, analysis of responses published

Read: Looking to the Future - flexibility and public protection

  • Start — 21 April 2016
  • End — 14 July 2016
  • Status — Closed, analysis of responses published

Read: Removing barriers to switching regulators

  • Start — 7 December 2015
  • End — 4 March 2016
  • Status — Closed, analysis of responses published

Read: Training for Tomorrow: assessing competence

  • Start — 1 October 2015
  • End — 24 December 2015
  • Status — Closed

Read: Quality Assurance Scheme for Advocates

  • Start — 30 September 2015
  • End — 31 January 2016
  • Status — Closed

Read: A question of trust