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Risk Outlook report: cryptocurrencies

Report focusing on distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) such as blockchain-based cryptocurrencies and their implications for legal services providers.

Risk Outlook report: information security and cybercrime in a new normal

The move to remote and hybrid working has driven successful innovation from firms. It also means they are more dependent on IT, so IT security is ever more important. This report gives a broad picture of information security and cybercrime threats.

Risk Outlook paper: Innovation in a competitive landscape

Risk is two sided. There are many threats in the market that firms need to be aware of, and which we advise firms of through our guidance and publications such as the Risk Outlook. But risk also covers opportunities. Missing them can be just as much of a threat as many of the hazards we warn about. This report covers what can be done by firms to seize some of those opportunities.

Risk Outlook 2021/2022

This report looks at what defines the 'new normal: the shape of the legal market as it emerges from Covid-19. We give our view of the key changes, and the threats, opportunities and uncertainties that come from them.

Risk Outlook 2020/2021

Welcome to our new Risk Outlook for 2020/21. The Outlook sets out our view on the key risks and challenges currently facing the profession, helping you to take steps to protect both your firm and your clients.