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Risk Outlook report: cryptocurrencies

Report focusing on distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) such as blockchain-based cryptocurrencies and their implications for legal services providers.

Risk Outlook paper: Innovation in a competitive landscape

Risk is two sided. There are many threats in the market that firms need to be aware of, and which we advise firms of through our guidance and publications such as the Risk Outlook. But risk also covers opportunities. Missing them can be just as much of a threat as many of the hazards we warn about. This report covers what can be done by firms to seize some of those opportunities.

Regulators Pioneer Fund 2: interim report Challenges to address inequalities in access to justice

The Regulators' Pioneer Fund is a Government lead initiative which sponsors projects led by regulators or local authorities which aim to help create a UK regulatory environment that encourages business innovation and investment.

Technology and Innovation in Legal Services

This report summarises the key findings of research we commissioned from the University of Oxford on technology and innovation in the legal sector. It also sets out our response to the findings.