SRA Update

Welcome to the latest issue of SRA Update. We’re pleased to say the practising certificate renewal window is now open, and you have until 13.00 on 11 November to apply. The majority of firms will have already renewed their professional indemnity insurance, but a reminder that you need to let us know if you have not secured a new policy in time, and are using the extended policy period in which to get cover. Finally, we have a number of events coming up this month for you to sign up for, while following the success of our customer review pilot, we are now also piloting unbundling. If you are interested in taking part in the pilot, please let us know.

Paul Philip

Chief Executive

Welcome to the latest edition of the compliance version of SRA Update. The practising certificate renewal window is now open, and you have until 13.00 on 11 November to apply. The majority of firms will have already renewed their professional indemnity insurance, but a reminder that you need to let us know if you have not secured a new policy in time and are using the extended policy period in which to get cover. Finally, bookings for the Compliance Officers Conference are now open and, for those who cannot join us in Birmingham, there’s a whole week of virtual webinars following it so you can catch up on what we covered.

Paul Philip

Chief Executive