SRA Update

Welcome to the latest issue of SRA Update. Autumn marks the start of the legal year so it’s a busy time, not least because of the renewal of practising certificates. This year we consulted widely on our business planning, budget, practising certificate fees and compensation fund contributions, and the Legal Services Board has now approved reductions in both for the coming year. We are reminding you that there are four weeks left for you to have your say on our discussion paper on restricting fees in financial mis-selling cases, which could have a big impact on firms and clients alike. Looking ahead, we have a range of webinars coming up, including on anti-money laundering and the new Solicitors Qualifying Examination. Finally, I’m pleased to say that our SRA Innovate events are back on the road, with sessions in Cardiff and Liverpool in October.

Paul Philip

Chief Executive

Welcome to the Compliance News section of SRA Update. We have written to some of you recently with a reminder that you need to submit your firm’s diversity data. It’s a mandatory requirement so please make sure it’s completed as soon as possible. This issue also has some useful information on complying with your anti-money laundering obligations, which are a priority for us all. Finally, we’ve come back again to the whiplash reforms that came into effect at the start of June, answering some of your queries, including on cycling accidents.

Paul Philip

Chief Executive