SRA Update

Welcome to the latest issue of SRA Update as we all look forward to emerging from many of the Covid-19 restrictions. We are also looking ahead to next year’s business planning so please take time to read our consultation and feedback on our proposals. The September introduction of the Solicitors Qualifying Examination is not far away – in this update you find details on a range of webinars to support firms, candidates and the wider sector on this, as well as details of the new SQE candidate website going live.

Paul Philip

Chief Executive

Welcome to the Compliance News section of the latest issue of SRA Update as we all look forward to emerging from many of the Covid restrictions. We are also looking ahead to next year’s business planning and currently consulting so please take time to read our proposals and feedback your thoughts. We also have further information on the high-risk third countries you should be aware of to make sure you comply with your anti-money laundering obligations.

Paul Philip

Chief Executive