SRA Update

Welcome to the latest issue of SRA Update. This month sees us consulting on our new Business Plan - it’s your opportunity to influence our work next year so please do take a look and get involved. Also in this issue, there’s still a chance to have your say on continuing competence through our online survey, and we urge those of you that might be affected by claims fee restrictions to register your interest with us as we consider next steps.

Paul Philip

Chief Executive

Welcome to the Compliance News section of the latest issue of SRA Update. This month sees us consulting on our new Business Plan - it’s your opportunity to influence our work next year so please do take a look and get involved. Also in this issue, there’s still a chance to have your say on continuing competence through our online survey, and we urge those of you that might be affected by claims fee restrictions to register your interest with us as we consider next steps.

Paul Philip

Chief Executive