SRA Update

Welcome to the latest issue of SRA Update, at a time where we are beginning to see increased clarity about how and when we may return to a more familiar way of working.

While the full legacy of the pandemic for how we all work may take some time to emerge, it is already likely that people will continue to use online services in the way that has become second nature over the last year. This issue covers our work to help you respond to this, whether that’s through embracing the use of online reviews and comparisons sites or by looking ahead to the legal innovations and technologies of the future.

We also look at changes due to come in on 1 April regarding who now needs to take a Higher Rights of Audience assessment.

Paul Philip

Chief Executive

Welcome to the latest issue of SRA Update, at a time where we are beginning to see increased clarity about how and when we may return to a more familiar way of working.

While the full legacy of the pandemic for how we all work may take some time to emerge, it is already likely that people will continue to use online services in the way that has become second nature over the last year. It’s why our transparency rules - which cover the information you to need to publish to help potential clients - are even more important. Read below how we continue to check on compliance with these rules and are taking action where we find firms not meeting their obligations.

Also in this issue is a reminder of the support we have available to help you both during lockdown, and as we emerge from it.

Paul Philip

Chief Executive