SRA Update

Welcome to the latest issue of SRA Update.

As lockdown continues, online information is increasingly important for all businesses, so make sure your firm is publishing what’s needed under our transparency rules. You can read more in this edition about our work with law firms and comparison websites to increase the number of consumers using online information to shop around when looking for legal services, and to explore the use of online customer reviews.

Also in this issue, find out about recruitment for solicitors as question writers, assessors and examiners for the Solicitors Qualifying Examination, and our upcoming series of webinars on topical issues.

Paul Philip

Chief Executive

Welcome to the latest issue of SRA Update.

With lockdown continuing, online information is increasingly important for all businesses. As compliance officers, you need to make sure your firm is publishing what’s required under our transparency rules – you will have seen that we have recently taken action against nine firms for repeatedly failing to do so, resulting in fines of up to £2,000. There is more in this edition on providing information as we update you on our work with law firms and comparison websites to increase the number of consumers shopping around when looking for legal services, and to explore the use of online customer reviews.

Also in this issue, there’s supporting information available to help you combat money launderers, and updates on how Brexit might affect your business.

Paul Philip

Chief Executive