SRA Update

Welcome to SRA Update Issue 88, and a Happy New Year to you all, despite the difficult start to the year for everyone. Lockdown does of course place even more emphasis on online information, so we are reminding you of our rules and the need to publish the key information we have set out. We are also considering the best indicators of quality for legal services, so please consider joining our pilot exercise on this project. This edition includes lots of information on the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE), as you would expect as we look ahead to introducing SQE in autumn. Finally, we look back to 2018/19 through our Annual Review documents, which include reporting on the profile of solicitors in our enforcement processes and our next steps to look at the reasons for the overrepresentation of Black, Asian and minority ethnic solicitors in the concerns brought to us that we have again seen.

Paul Philip

Chief Executive

Welcome to the compliance news section of SRA Update Issue 88, and a Happy New Year to you all. We enter 2021 as we spent much of 2020 – in a lockdown. When the first call to stay at home was announced in March, we produced guidance for law firms, and we are keeping that under review and relevant. We have of course also left the European Union, so we cover some of the implications. Finally, we again remind you of the importance of our transparency rules, especially as potential clients are going online to choose their providers. We will be taking action where we see firms fall short of our requirements so make sure you and your firm are up to date and fully compliant.

Paul Philip

Chief Executive