SRA Update

Welcome to the latest issue of SRA Update. For those of you in England, this arrives in your inbox at the same time as the start of a further Covid-19 lockdown, while Wales is of course already into its own lockdown. We continue to monitor how the pandemic is affecting the legal sector and we have lots of helpful resources on our website. This issue updates you on the introduction of our Solicitors Qualifying Examination, renewing your indemnity insurance and research on our transparency rules.

Paul Philip

Chief Executive

Welcome to the compliance section of SRA Update. For those of you in England, this arrives in your inbox at the same time as the start of a further Covid-19 lockdown, while Wales is of course already into its own lockdown. We continue to monitor how the pandemic is affecting the legal sector and we have lots of helpful updated resources on our website. We are also pleased to say that the programme for our virtual conference has now been finalised, so you can register for and choose the sessions you want to attend.

Paul Philip

Chief Executive