SRA Update

Welcome to the latest issue of SRA Update, which includes information on our Business Plan for 2020/2021. It covers our key workstreams - we are of course keeping our budget and planning under review as the implications of Covid-19 are better understood. One of the impacts has been on the insurance market, which was already hardening, and we have information on that too. And LegalEx – usually a thriving conference in London – will this year be a virtual event, where you can catch up with talks on our work.

Paul Philip

Chief Executive

Welcome to the compliance section of SRA Update. This year’s conference will take place as a virtual event at the end of November and we will have final details on our sessions and timings for you soon. We have also published information about adhering to our rules during lockdown and you can find out more about suspicious activity reports in the National Crime Agency’s magazine.

Paul Philip

Chief Executive