
Confirm your firm is following transparency rules

Our transparency rules came into effect in 2018 and are designed to make sure consumers have easy access to key price and service information on law firms, which then allows them to make informed choices.

As well as requiring you to publish certain information on prices, services and complaints procedures on your website, our rules also require all regulated firms to display the SRA clickable logo.

According to our research, the profession has found that in general the requirements have helped them win new business. However, not every firm is compliant, and we have already fined a dozen practices for repeatedly failing to display the required information.

This year we will be writing to COLPs and COFAs at more than 4,000 firms, asking them to sign a declaration that they are adhering to the transparency rules. We will also be conducting further work to analyse the websites of more than 3,000 further firms. Where we identify the rules are not being adhered to, we will be following this up with further direct communications. If you are unsure what information the rules require you to publish, we have published a range of support materials on our website to help you.

To learn more about our approach to non-compliance and potential disciplinary action in this area you can view our enforcement strategy and the associated topic guidance.

If you require further advice on complying with our Rules, you can contact our Professional Ethics team.