
Have your say on impact of our reforms

You should have recently received an email inviting you to complete a short survey providing feedback on how you have found working to our new Standards and Regulations.

When we introduced these new rules in November 2019, we said that we would monitor how they were working for both you and for the public. Capturing what you think via this anonymous survey is a key part of this.

Have they reduced regulatory burdens? What practical benefits or challenges they have brought? Have they helped you work differently?

Completing the survey should take no more than 15 minutes, and the questions are relevant to all solicitors, regardless of how you work or your day-to-day role.

If you missed the email, we sent containing your survey link at the end of June, please look out for a further email over the coming weeks.

Our Standards and Regulations were introduced in November 2019. They are simpler and far shorter than the previous SRA Handbook and focus on what really matters - high professional standards and protecting the public and its money. The new rules also put more trust in your professional judgment, getting rid of lots of outdated prescriptive rules and giving you more flexibility over how you work.