
Innovation and technology research

Later this month we will publishing the findings of major research, conducted by Oxford University, into the use of innovation and technology in legal services.

As well as looking at issues such as the current and future use of innovation and technology by law firms, the research also considers what barriers may exist to greater use of innovation, and how and where these can be overcome.

A big thank you to nearly 1,000 law firms who completed our online survey to help inform this study.

Once complete the findings will help us and wider legal sector to understand:

  • current use of innovation and technology across the sector
  • what the most likely areas of future use and development are
  • how to best support future innovations, including by potentially removing regulatory barriers

Supporting the adoption of legal technology, and other innovations, that help to meet the needs of the public, business community, regulated entities and the economy is one of the SRA’s three key objectives for the next three years.

The University of Oxford research team includes well known experts in the field of legal technology and innovation, including Professor Mari Sako and Professor John Armour.