
Time to submit your diversity information

From next week (5 July) we will once again be asking all regulated law firms to report their diversity data to us as part of the two-yearly collection exercise.

In 2019, more than 186,000 people took part in our survey across over 9,500 firms, giving us a good picture of diversity in the profession.

We have already written to all firms’ authorised signatories or organisational contacts to advise them what information they will need to provide and when, and many might have already started collating the required information. We will be writing to them again shortly to advise that they can now submit their data.

What is different from last time?

We have made a few changes to the diversity questionnaire this year, including:

  • revising the questions used to monitor socio-economic background
  • updating the wording of the sex and gender questions.

You can read more about these changes and why we have made them on our website. There is further help on those pages, including:

If you have any queries, you can contact us.