
Have your say on the future of tech and innovation

We are conducting a research project with the University of Oxford to look at development of innovation and technology in the legal services market.

As part of this research, we will soon be emailing the Authorised Signatory (AuS) of every law firm asking them to complete a short survey and to share your experiences in this field. If you have something to say on either the current use of tech in our sector or its potential future use, please get in touch with your AuS so that your firm can respond.

Our aim is to increase understanding of innovation and technology in legal services across England and Wales, and identify areas where we can help its development by reducing barriers to innovation and supporting further growth.

As the regulator, we want to do all that we can to help firms discover new ways of working and explore the options that lawtech provides. We already provide an innovation space for firms to test their ideas without breaching our Standards and Regulations and make it easier to apply for waivers for rules that inhibits innovation – as long as consumers are protected of course.

We also want to connect firms with those who can help them innovate, or show them new technology. Creating this network is a legacy from the Legal Access Challenge, the winners of which were announced last year.

If you want to make a submission, you can do this by contacting the dedicated project mailbox at Oxford University: