
Enforcement work around transparency rules continues

We introduced our transparency rules to help consumers make properly-informed decisions about the services available to them. The vast majority felt solicitor firms were unaffordable and therefore going elsewhere for help dealing with a legal need.

Firms with a website should publish basic, indicative information about certain services, as well as details about who might carry out the work, and avenues for complaint if the work delivered is not as expected.

Our research suggests that the majority of firms are adhering to the rules, and indeed have already noticed the business benefits. However, some are not as we have found out through our checks carried out over the last year. Hundreds of firms have been through this process and, where we find non-compliance with the rules, we will engage with that firm in the first instance. If a firm persists in failing to comply, we are taking action. We will be carrying out further exercises throughout 2021 to check individual firms are complying with our rules so you need to act now.

Further information on our transparency rules and guidance on the best way to comply.