Transparency rules – even more important to stay compliant


We know that potential clients are increasingly using the internet to search for the services they need, while firms are potentially looking for as much business as possible.

The current lockdown has increased the importance of both of these activities. And that means it is even more vital to make sure your firm is complying with our rules about publishing service and price information online.

Our transparency rules became fully compulsory on 25 November and oblige all firms with a website to publish information about certain services that they provide. This includes not just indicative prices, but also who might be dealing with the matter, what experience they have, and also how clients can complain if they are not totally satisfied.

We will continue to undertake checks to make sure that you are complying with our rules, and might take further action where we find specific firms are not. We have already taken enforcement action against firms that have remained non-compliant.

While most firms genuinely try to comply, there is no excuse for those that have done nothing. If you are not currently displaying the required information on your website, please take the opportunity to review the rules.