On-demand events


Qualified lawyers - qualifying through the SQE

17 May 2023

Are you an overseas or UK qualified lawyer? Want to know more about dual qualifying as a solicitor of England and Wales?

Practising in the youth courts – good practice for solicitors

04 May 2023

As anyone practising in youth courts knows, they differ in many ways from the adult court. To help support solicitors, we’ve recently updated our resources and launched a good practice guide for those working with children and young people.

Government sanctions regime - how all firms can stay compliant

03 May 2023

The Government’s financial sanctions regime, imposed to achieve specific foreign policy or national security objectives, is continually changing. Law firms have to a key role to play.

SQE: mitigating circumstances

19 April 2023

This free webinar offers the latest information for candidates whose performance in SQE assessments is negatively impacted by particular circumstances. This is often known as mitigating or extenuating circumstances.

Menopause – creating a supportive firm culture

17 April 2023

Learn about steps your firm can take to support women of all backgrounds who experience the menopause to overcome barriers to retention and progression.

SQE Virtual Conference 2023

23 March 2023

Our latest virtual SQE Conference aimed at education and training providers, as well as organisations offering qualifying work experience.

Becoming a solicitor through the SQE

07 March 2023

Looking to take the SQE to become a solicitor? Watch our free webinar to hear from those who have recently qualified or are on their way to becoming a solicitor.

Immigration services: getting it right for your vulnerable clients

22 February 2023

Join our webinar for insights into our thematic review of the immigration sector. Discover the good and bad practices we found, and learn about our guidance and checklist for delivering high-quality services to vulnerable clients.


Compliance Officers Virtual Conference 2022

14 November 2022

This event offers you insights into topics relevant to your compliance role.

Inclusive workplaces for neurodivergent lawyers

19 October 2022

Find out about inclusive workplaces for neurodivergent lawyers and hear from The Neurodiverse Lawyer Project.

SQE2 - feedback on the first assessment

10 October 2022

Now that the first SQE2 assessment has taken place and the results are out, we want to update stakeholders on...

Financial penalties – our proposed new approach

06 October 2022

Learn more about our ongoing consultation - and put your questions to our panel - on the detail of proposed reforms to our approach to issuing financial penalties for law firms and solicitors.

Unbundled services – findings from our law firm pilot

13 September 2022

Unbundling is when tasks that make up a legal service are taken on by the client rather than the law firm completing the whole process. For example, the client might complete some forms themselves or attend a court hearing without representation. We recently ran a six-month unbundling pilot in family law to help us understand the potential benefits, disadvantages and risks, as well as the barriers firms face in offering unbundled services.

Inclusive workplaces for trans and non-binary people

14 July 2022

Watch our free webinar, staged on International Non-Binary People's Day, to hear from Mx Oscar Davies and our Executive Director, Robert Loughlin about inclusive workplaces for non-binary and trans people. 

Innovation: Making business ideas a reality

11 July 2022

How legal services are provided is always evolving and law firms increasingly have the opportunity to be at the forefront of these changes.

AML: How to do a firm-wide risk assessment

22 June 2022

Watch our free webinar to hear practical tips on creating and updating your firm-wide AML risk assessment.

Business Plan consultation - What should our priorities be for 2023

26 May 2022

We would like to hear from the legal profession on the shared challenges and opportunities we all face in the year ahead, and how these should be reflected as we plan our work for the year ahead.

New rules on health and wellbeing in the workplace

04 May 2022

This webinar is your chance to learn more about, and ask questions, regarding proposed changes to rules linked to the health and wellbeing of solicitors in the workplace, especially where clients and the public may be being placed at risk.

Qualifying work experience explained

06 April 2022

What is qualifying work experience? (QWE) Join our free webinar to find out more.

Qualified lawyers - becoming a solicitor

29 March 2022

Are you an overseas or UK qualified lawyer? The introduction of the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) last year changed how you can become a solicitor.

Navigating the SQE training market

08 March 2022

Watch our free webinar to find out how the education and training market has developed since the SQE’s introduction last year.

AML officers: what they need to know

22 February 2022

This free webinar will look at what it means to be a Money Laundering Compliance or Reporting Officer – key roles in the fight against financial crime.

SQE1 - how the first assessment went

15 February 2022

More than a thousand candidates sat the first ever Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) assessment last November.

Updating our approach to financial penalties

21 January 2022

Changes being proposed are designed to help resolve cases much more quickly, reducing cost, delay and stress for all involved, while also improving public protection, consistency and providing a deterrent to reduce future risk of repeated behaviour.

Options for post six-year insurance cover and the Solicitors Indemnity Fund

16 December 2021

Join us to hear more about what PSYROC is and how it is currently provided.

Compliance Officers Virtual Conference 2021

29 November 2021

This event offers you insights into topics relevant to your compliance role.

LegalEx 2021

10 November 2021

This event gave attendees the opportunity to hear the latest news in the legal sector.

Innovation Making business ideas a reality (Cardiff)

21 October 2021

In an increasingly digital world, legal services are changing. They are being offered in new ways, while consumers expectations are shifting. We want to support the responsible adoption of legal technology and innovation - helping legal businesses improve and people access legal help more easily. Watch to hear practical tips and insights to help you innovate.

Innovation Making business ideas a reality (Liverpool)

14 October 2021

In an increasingly digital world, legal services are changing. They are being offered in new ways, while consumers expectations are shifting. We want to support the responsible adoption of legal technology and innovation - helping legal businesses improve and people access legal help more easily. Watch to hear practical tips and insights to help you innovate.

Anti-money laundering – reporting concerns and suspicious activity

07 October 2021

Watch our free webinar on reporting anti-money laundering concerns to us, and making Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) to the National Crime Agency (NCA).

Anti-money laundering – guidance for trust and company service providers

28 September 2021

Hear in more detail which activities fall in scope of this category and work, and what your firm needs to do if so. We will speak about what areas of trust and company services are a high risk of being targeted by criminals, and how you can mitigate this risk.

SQE - supporting candidates to sit the assessment

23 September 2021

You can find out how we (SRA and Kaplan) will make sure no-one is disadvantaged because of a disability - or other physical or mental health condition - in demonstrating their competence.

Regulatory futures 2021: trust and change in uncertain times

09 September 2021

Offering insights from different sectors - from utilities to education, financial to legal services - this free event is for anyone interested in discussing how we regulate to meet the future needs of society.

Restricting fees in financial mis-selling work

04 August 2021

This free webinar will explain our current thinking on restricting fees in financial services mis-selling cases, and how you can help shape any proposals.

Technology and Innovation in Legal Services

27 July 2021

Watch our virtual presentation, followed by a live Q&A, to mark the publication of our new research into the use of technology and innovation in legal services.

SQE - how qualifying as a solicitor is changing

17 June 2021

Have you heard about the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE)? This is the new single, rigorous assessment for all aspiring solicitors – marking a step change in how people train and enter the profession.

Qualifying work experience - what law clinics need to know

26 May 2021

Join us to get the latest information on what QWE is and what it means for law clinics.

Anti-money laundering: matter risk assessments

24 May 2021

Keeping money launderers out of legal services is critical for the solicitors we supervise and to protect the general public. If firms have not fully assessed the risks present for a particular client or matter, they cannot understand and manage their risk.

What should our priorities be for 2021-2022?

19 May 2021

Last year, following consultation, we identified our priorities for the next few years in our Corporate Strategy 2020-23. Now we want to hear your views on the shared challenges and opportunities we all face in the year ahead to help us plan our work.

SQE assessments – practical information for candidates

17 May 2021

Want the latest information on the SQE? Targeted at aspiring solicitors, get the facts ahead of its September introduction.

SQE assessments - practical information for training providers and employers

17 May 2021

Get all the latest information on the SQE to further help training providers and employers prepare for its September introduction.

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