Upcoming events

We organise and take part in a wide range of events and conferences. Come and meet us to find out more about what we’re doing.

Upcoming events and conferences in which we'll be participating are listed below. To book a place or find out more about non-SRA events, please contact the organisers directly.

If you would like to view previous events please visit our on demand events.

If you would like to invite an SRA speaker to your event, all requests must be submitted using our speaker request form. Please do not contact individual members of staff directly.

We aim reply to requests within two weeks. We need at least six-eight weeks notice before an event to consider your request.

We consider the following when reviewing each request:

  • how topical the event is to SRA work and priorities;
  • availability of appropriate speakers; and
  • size and suitability of the audience

Please note as a public sector regulator we are unable to accept invitations where we feel that one of the main purposes of the event is to:

  • promote the work or services of a specific commercial organisation; or
  • generate new business or other revenue creating opportunities for the host/organiser/third parties

June 2023

Innovation: Making business ideas a reality

20 June 2023| M Shed, Princes Wharf, Wapping Road, Bristol BS1 4RN

Speakers: Juliet Oliver, General Counsel, SRA (Chair), Chris Handford, Director of Regulatory Policy, SRA , Daniel Jenkins, Co-founder Boldr Law, Alan Larkin, Director, Head of Innovation & Technology, Family Law Partners, Pierre Proner, Co-founder and CEO, Law Hive , Dagmar Steffens, Head of Strategic Innovation, West of England Combined Authority and Co-founder of Bristol+Bath LegalTech, Dr Rachel Wood, Business and Law Clinic Director, University of the West of England, Thomas Wood, Risk Analyst - Modeller, Research and Analysis, SRA, Dan Wright, Partner, Director of Osborne Clarke Solutions, Osborne Clarke LLP, Sally Holdway, Director, Teal Legal, Trish D'Souza, Legal Director, Blake Morgan LLP, Paul Crook, Legal Services Consumer Panel member

How legal services are provided is always evolving and law firms increasingly have the opportunity to be at the forefront of these changes. We are seeing greater use of artificial intelligence in other areas of public life and some of it will begin to be seen in legal services.

Join us at our free innovation event to get insight into the challenges and opportunities. Find out how other law firms are already using a range of innovation and technology to expand their reach and drive their businesses forward.

Through interactive panels sessions, you’ll get to hear about and discuss real life examples on new ways to better serve your clients and run your business more efficiently. Learn how bringing in new ideas can make your business both more efficient and resilient to a changing legal services market.

Topics will include:

  • Effective use of both legal and everyday consumer tech.
  • How to get the best from existing software and IT.
  • The role artificial intelligence or new technologies could have in your business.
  • The potential for innovation beyond technology, including hybrid and new ways of working for both your staff and clients.
  • How we can help you overcome perceived barriers to innovation and introducing new technology.
Why attend?

This free conference will give you and your firm a competitive edge by:

  • Offering real life examples from solicitors and experts.
  • Engaging and sharing ideas with thought leaders on our panel sessions.
  • Giving you insight, advice and guidance on how we can help make your new business ideas become a reality.
Visit the event website to find out more

Meet our senior team in Bristol (roundtable and networking event)

20 June 2023| M Shed, Princes Wharf, Wapping Road, Bristol BS1 4RN

Join us for an informal roundtable and networking event with senior members of our SRA team.

We will be discussing our ongoing work helping to maintain high standards and improve public choice and access, as well as:

  • supporting law firms' adoption of tech and innovation
  • removing regulatory barriers
  • helping solicitors and law firms work in different ways
  • anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance

This is your opportunity to speak directly to us about the regulatory issues which most concern and impact you on a day-to-day basis.

Visit the event website to find out more

July 2023

Innovation: Making business ideas a reality

5 July 2023| IET, 2 Savoy Place, London WC2R 0BL

Speakers: Benedict Fisher, Director of Communications, SRA (Chair), Sophia Adams Bhatti, Head of Purpose and Impact, Simmons Wavelength, Shruti Ajitsaria, Partner, Head of Fuse, Allen & Overy LLP, Edward Friend, Solicitor and Director, Carreg Law, Daniel Jenkins, Co-founder, Boldr Law , Alan Larkin, Director, Head of Innovation & Technology, Family Law Partners, Pierre Proner, Co-founder and CEO, Law Hive , Dr Rachel Wood, Business and Law Clinic Director, University of the West of England, Thomas Wood, Risk Analyst - Modeller, Research and Analysis, SRA, Lisa Davis, Chief Executive Citizens Advice Epsom & Ewell, Legal Services Consumer Panel member

How legal services are provided is always evolving and law firms increasingly have the opportunity to be at the forefront of these changes. We are seeing greater use of artificial intelligence in other areas of public life and some of it will begin to be seen in legal services.

Join us at our free innovation event to get insight into the challenges and opportunities. Find out how other law firms are already using a range of innovation and technology to expand their reach and drive their businesses forward.

Through interactive panels sessions you’ll get to hear about and discuss real life examples on new ways to better serve your clients and run your business more efficiently. Learn how bringing in new ideas can make your business both more efficient and resilient to a changing legal services market.

Topics will include:

  • Effective use of both legal and everyday consumer tech.
  • How to get the best from existing software and IT.
  • The role artificial intelligence or new technologies could have in your business.
  • The potential for innovation beyond technology, including hybrid and new ways of working for both your staff and clients.
  • How we can help you overcome perceived barriers to innovation and introducing new technology.
Why attend?

This free conference will give you and your firm a competitive edge by:

  • Offering real life examples from solicitors and experts.
  • Engaging and sharing ideas with thought leaders on our panel sessions.
  • Giving you insight, advice and guidance on how we can help make your new business ideas become a reality.
Visit the event website to find out more

Meet our senior team in London (roundtable and networking event)

5 July 2023| IET, 2 Savoy Place, London WC2R 0BL

Join us for an informal roundtable and networking event with senior members of our SRA team.

We will be discussing our ongoing work helping to maintain high standards and improve public choice and access, as well as:

  • supporting law firms' adoption of tech and innovation
  • removing regulatory barriers
  • helping solicitors and law firms work in different ways
  • anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance

This is your opportunity to speak directly to us about the regulatory issues which most concern and impact you on a day-to-day basis.

Visit the event website to find out more

October 2023

Compliance Officers Conference 2023

18 October 2023| Birmingham

Our annual Compliance Officers Conference is on 18 October in Birmingham. You will get up-to-date information on key compliance topics through a mix of presentations and interactive panel sessions.

This free event is aimed at compliance officers but will cover topics relevant to all solicitors. It is also an ideal opportunity to network with other legal professionals and get your questions answered by our teams.

We will be launching bookings in the summer. In the meantime, please hold this date in your diary.

If you have any queries, please email: events@sra.org.uk

Visit the event website to find out more

November 2023

SRA Compliance Officers Virtual Conference 2023

6 November 2023| Online

Taking place over four days, we will be reflecting on all the key content covered in October's face-to-face event. There will be a range of different topics that you will be able to pick and choose.

There will be a mix of presentations and panel discussions and you will be able to ask live questions online.

We will launch bookings in the summer. In the meantime, please add the date to your diary.

If you have any queries, please email: events@sra.org.uk

Visit the event website to find out more