Our management

Updated 14 March 2023

Paul Philip - Chief Executive

Paul joined the Solicitors Regulation Authority as Chief Executive in 2014. Since then, he has delivered an ambitious programme of reform. This includes the introduction of an up to date regulatory model that supports a modern, competitive, legal sector and a full review of how solicitors qualify and enter the profession. He has also developed the SRA role as an anti-money laundering supervisor as well as making significant operational improvements.

Paul has previously held senior roles in the medical, health and legal sectors.

Our senior management team

  • Jane Malcolm - Executive Director - External and Corporate Affairs

  • Juliet Oliver - General Counsel

  • Liz Rosser - Executive Director - Resources

  • Robert Loughlin - Executive Director - Operations and Performance

Register of interests for our senior management team

Jane Malcolm - Executive Director - External and Corporate Affairs

  • Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
  • Member of the Management Advisory Board of the Scottish Public Pensions Agency
  • Member of the Council of the General Teaching Council for Scotland, member of Executive Committee
  • Member Legalex advisory panel

Juliet Oliver - General Counsel

  • Board member, Professional Standards Authority
  • Member of Professional Standards Committee, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
  • Trustee, Royal Medical Benevolent Fund

Liz Rosser - Executive Director - Resources

  • Director of the Solicitors Indemnity Fund Limited (SIFL)

Robert Loughlin - Executive Director - Operations and Performance

  • Member of the Legal Ombudsman’s Stakeholder Challenge and Advisory Group