Closed Consultation

Solicitor Apprenticeship Standard

27 March 2023

About this consultation

We are consulting on proposals to update the solicitor apprenticeship standard and would like to hear your views.

This consultation runs from 27 March to 14 April 2023.

After this consultation closes we will issue a response setting out next steps.

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Solicitor apprenticeships were introduced in 2015 and since then the style of the standard has changed.

We have worked with the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education and the Solicitor Apprenticeship Trailblazer Group to update the standard.

Our proposals

We are proposing to update the solicitor apprenticeship standard.

The substance of the draft standard has not changed, only its presentation. Similarly, the assessment plan has not changed and apprentices will still have to pass SQE1 and SQE2 to qualify.

We are keen to hear your views on our proposed changes outlined in this consultation. Please answer these two questions:

Question 1

Does the draft standard accurately summarise for apprentices the work of a solicitor?

Question 2

Does the draft standard accurately capture the knowledge, skills and behaviours an apprentice should demonstrate before they are admitted as a solicitor?

How to respond

Online questionnaire

Our online consultation questionnaire is a convenient, flexible way to respond. You can save a partial response online and complete it later. You can download a copy of your response before you submit it.

Reasonable adjustment requests and questions

We offer reasonable adjustments. Read our policy to find out more.

Contact us if you need to respond to this consultation using a different format or if you have any questions about the consultation.

Publishing responses

We will publish and attribute your response unless you request otherwise.
