Closed Consultation

Fourth consultation on the Quality Assurance Scheme for Advocates (Crime)

8 August 2019

  • The deadline for submission of responses to this consultation was 9 October 2012.
  • The information that appears below is for reference purposes only.
  • An analysis of responses to the consultation is in progress.

The purpose of this consultation is to set out the revisions made to the scheme following the previous consultation (closed in November 2011) and as a result of further discussions with all interested parties, including the judiciary, the Crown Prosecution Service, the Criminal Bar Association and the Solicitors Association for Higher Court Advocates, and to seek views on the practicalities of the scheme.

Equality impact assessment

To support this consultation, JAG has agreed that each regulator will carry out a separate equality impact assessment (EIA). A QASA EIA has been conducted by the SRA and assesses the impact of key aspects of the scheme's operation on solicitors and consumers of legal services.

It is important to note that this EIA is not final; it reflects thinking on current proposals for the implementation of the scheme as outlined in the fourth consultation document and the Scheme Handbook. The SRA is committed to undertaking further research, stakeholder engagement and analysis over the forthcoming months to develop and inform the EIA. A final EIA will be published in October 2012.