Closed Consultation

A new framework for work-based learning

25 October 2007

This consultation is now closed.

A consultation—on a new framework for assessing trainee solicitors' performance in practice—ended on 9 May 2007. If implemented, the new framework will replace the current training contract arrangements.

Our board considered the results of the consultation. Responses were mainly supportive of our proposals. However, a significant proportion of respondents expressed concern about

  • the viability of portfolio assessment,
  • reduction in the training period,
  • confidentiality of portfolio evidence, and
  • the possible creation of a two-tier qualification system.

An analysis of responses is available to download below.

After considering the responses, the board on 31 May announced that a pilot of new work-based-learning arrangements would begin in 2008, rather than in September 2007 as originally planned.

In October 2007, we issued a statement on the progress of changes to the final stage of solicitor training. The statement is available to download below.

Background information on the consultation is also available below.


  • You can download the discussion paper and its annexes below.
  • For information purposes, the consultation questions are included in the discussion paper.
  • You can download an analysis of consultation responses below.
  • For further background, download the SRA's strategic framework for the education, training and professional development of solicitors – Education, training and development for solicitors: The way ahead. Please note that this document was not the subject of consultation. 

Downloadable document(s)