Complaints charter

English Cymraeg

If you complain about the service provided by the SRA, we want to make sure that you know what you can expect from us and how we will deal with your complaint. This charter explains what you can expect from us when you make a complaint and in return, what we expect from you in order that we can fulfil our obligation to deal appropriately with your complaint.

When you contact us to make a complaint about our services, we will:

  • be respectful and courteous,
  • respond to you within the timescales set out in our complaints policy. If this is not possible we will keep you informed of the progress of our investigation into your complaint and advise you of when you should expect a reply;
  • be fair and transparent in dealing with your complaint. We will seek the views of those involved and we will share our response with you and all the parties involved in your case and your complaint about us;
  • direct you to the next stage of the complaints procedure if you remain dissatisfied with our response, or to another route which may offer resolution of your concerns;
  • learn from the feedback we receive from you—for example, we may recommend changes as a result of a complaint, if this will avoid similar problems in future; and
  • make reasonable adjustments to our service such as providing you with information in large print or alternative languages and allowing extra time for you to provide us with information.

When you make a complaint about our service, we would ask that you:

  • familiarise yourself with our three-stage complaints procedure outlined on our complaints page and described more fully in our complaints policy. This information is also available as a leaflet or in more accessible formats
  • provide all the information that we may need about your complaint so that we can fully address your concerns—see our complaints page for more details of the information we need
  • treat our staff with respect and courtesy. If we consider that your behaviour is unreasonable—for example if you are abusive or unreasonably persistent—we may consider using our unreasonable behaviour policy to restrict your communications with us
  • let us know if you require us to make any reasonable adjustments to our service—please see our reasonable adjustment policy
  • let us know if you have particular communication preferences or require our literature in an alternative format, and
  • give us any feedback on our service—good and bad—so that we continue to improve the service we provide.