SRA Standards and Regulations

Showing 141 results

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SRA Accounts Rules

Rule 2

Client money

"Client money" is money held or received by you: relating to regulated services delivered by you to a client; on behalf of a third party in relation to regulated services delivered by you (such as money held as agent, stakeholder or held to the sender's order); as a trustee or as the holder of a specified office or appointment, such as donee of a power of attorney, Court of Protection deputy...
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SRA Accounts Rules

Rule 3

Client account

You only maintain a client account at a branch (or the head office) of a bank or a building society in England and Wales. You ensure that the name of any client account includes: the name of the authorised body; and the word "client" to distinguish it from any other type of account held or operated by the authorised body. You must not use a...
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SRA Accounts Rules

Rule 7

Payment of interest

You account to clients or third parties for a fair sum of interest on any client money held by you on their behalf. You may by a written agreement come to a different arrangement with the client or the third party for whom the money is held as to the payment of interest, but you must provide sufficient information to enable them to give informed consent.
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SRA Accounts Rules

Rule 8

Client accounting systems and controls

You keep and maintain accurate, contemporaneous, and chronological records to: record in client ledgers identified by the client's name and an appropriate description of the matter to which they relate: all receipts and payments which are client money on the client side of the client ledger account; all receipts and payments which are not client money and bills of costs including transactions...
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SRA Accounts Rules

Rule 10

Operation of a client's own account

If, in the course of practice, you operate a client's own account as signatory, Part 2 of these rules does not apply save for: rule 8.2 - statements from banks, building societies and other financial institutions; rule 8.3 - reconciliations; rule 8.4 - bills and notifications of costs.
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SRA Accounts Rules

Rule 12

Obtaining and delivery of accountants' reports

If you have, at any time during an accounting period, held or received client money, or operated a joint account or a client's own account as signatory, you must: obtain an accountant's report for that accounting period within six months of the end of the period; and deliver it to the SRA within six months of the end of the accounting period if the accountant's report is qualified to show a...
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SRA Accounts Rules

Rule 13

Storage and retention of accounting records

You must store all accounting records securely and retain these for at least six years.
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SRA Compensation Fund Rules (Archived)

Rule 2

The object of the Fund

The Fund is a discretionary fund of last resort and no person has a right to a grant enforceable at law. The primary objects of the Fund are: to replace money which a defaulting practitioner or a defaulting practitioner's employee or manager has misappropriated or otherwise failed to account for; and to relieve losses arising from the civil liability on the part of a defaulting practitioner or...
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SRA Compensation Fund Rules (Archived)

Rule 3

Grants which may be made from the Fund

For any grant to be made out of the Fund, an applicant must satisfy the SRA that the applicant is eligible in accordance with rule 4 and (save in respect of a grant made under rule 3.4) has suffered or is likely to suffer: loss in consequence of the dishonesty of a defaulting practitioner or the employee or manager or owner of a defaulting practitioner; or loss and hardship in consequence of a...
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SRA Compensation Fund Rules (Archived)

Rule 4

Eligibility for a grant

A person is eligible under this rule to apply for a grant out of the Fund where the person: is an individual; or at the time the application is made, is a sole trader, partnership, body corporate, unincorporated association or mutual association with an annual turnover of less than £2 million, and does not fall within rule 4.2, 4.3(a) or 4.4(a). A person is eligible under this rule to apply...