Clickable logo Q&A

For all technical questions/issues relating to downloading and using the SRA clickable logo (known as the digital badge in our rules), please go to our specialist partners Yoshki.

Here you will find full instructions on how get and use the logo, as well as technical frequently asked questions and details of how to contact Yoshki directly for further support.

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You can add the logo to your website by visiting our specialist partners. More

Visit Yoshki

Here you will also find an easy-to-follow user guide, frequently asked questions and information on how to get technical support.

Yoshki are our specialist partners who provide all the technology behind the logo, including the verification software which will make sure only regulated law firms are able to use the logo. More

Yoshki have extensive experience in delivering clickable logo for organisations all over the world. This includes the clickable logo scheme already operated by the Council for Licenced Conveyancers.

Yes. The logo is available in three different colour variations, and in both English and Welsh. More

You are free to choose whichever of these designs you wish to use. Other colours will not be available.

Read the Clickable logo installation guide

Once you have selected which logo you want to use, you will be provided with a piece of code which can be used by whoever manages your website. More

As long as your websites' address/domain is registered within your mySRA, the logo will automatically display once this code is added to your site.

If a visitor to your website clicks on the logo, they will be taken to an SRA-hosted page which confirms that your firm (by name) is regulated and outlines what protections this regulated status provides.

The logo will only work with websites linked to a regulated firm's mySRA. More

Before downloading the logo, please log in to your mySRA and check your site is properly recorded.

Find out how to add or amend your website details within mySRA.

Please allow at least 24 hours after updating your details before using the logo.

If you have more than one website or subdomain, please provide us with details of all the sites on which you wish to display the logo. More

Enter your website addresses via this form

Please allow up to 5 working days from filling in this form before attempting to use the logo.

We run a validation checks on all register websites every day. A valid logo should always have the current date on it. More

This is to easily identify and prevent fraudulent use of the logo. If someone copies a static image of the logo and adds it to their website, the date will not update.

Displaying a current date will also provide reassurance to the public that a firm's regulated status is current.

If the date showing on your logo is not current, please contact our specialist partners Yoshki.

Seeing the logo will instantly inform visitors to your website that you are a regulated firm and link them to easy-to-understand information on the protections this provides. More

Not only will this provide them with useful information, but it will also help you differentiate yourself from providers who are not regulated.

An SRA online trial of nearly 2,000 people found that 79% felt more comfortable choosing a provider when that business displayed a regulator's logo.

Yes. The logo was initially voluntary but became a mandatory requirement on 25 November 2019.

When displaying the logo becomes mandatory on 25 November 2019, we will monitor compliance through our ongoing regulatory work, for example, thematic reviews, responding to reports of non-compliance and conducting web sweeps. More

Where we find a firm is not complying, we would look to work with them to make sure they follow our rules. If after this they still do not comply, we would consider further action in line with our enforcement strategy.

No, the logo can only be used on your website. More

Where the verification technology will make sure it will only work for regulated firms. You are not allowed to reproduce it elsewhere.

No, it is free to use for all SRA regulated law firms.