Law firm diversity data tool

Read about the data in this tool and a review of the key findings

Data for this tool was collected in 2019.

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All means everyone working in law firms

Partners means solicitors who are partners or partner equivalents

Solicitors means solicitors (who are not partners) and other lawyers

Partners and solicitors is a combination of the two categories referred to above

Other staff includes everyone not in the partner or solicitor categories referred to above

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The three characteristics we use to measure social mobility are:

School type – the type of school attended between the ages of 11 and 16

Parental qualification – the highest level of parental qualification achieved by the time you were 18

Parental occupation – the occupation of the highest parental earner when you were 14

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Corporate/financial/IP means debt collection, financial advice or bankruptcy/insolvency. 

Litigation/ADR means all types of litigation, including personal injury, civil liberties and human rights, and all types of arbitration.

Private client means work for private individuals covering children, consumer, matrimonial, immigration, mental health, social welfare, wills and probate.

Property means conveyancing, planning and landlord/tenant.

Other includes any type of work that does not reasonably fit into the other categories.

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