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Disciplinary procedures

Bringing criminal proceedings - Guidance

Understand how and when we may bring criminal proceedings against those we regulate.

How we approach decisions to intervene - Guidance

We explain how we approach the decision to intervene into a solicitor’s firm or practice.

Recovering costs and payments from third parties - Guidance

To help you understand when and how we recover costs and payments from third parties following an intervention.

How we recover our costs - Guidance

To help you understand our approach to recovering money due to us as a result of regulatory action and litigation.

How we gather evidence in our regulatory and disciplinary investigations - Guidance

Understand how we gather evidence, the investigatory powers we have to gather evidence and how we can use those powers.

Making decisions to investigate concerns - Guidance

To help those we regulate understand how we assess reports and complaints made about them.

The Prohibition of referral fees in LASPO 56 60 - Guidance

An overview of the approach we will adopt in determining whether a regulated person has paid or received a referral fee contrary to section 56 of LASPO.

If we are investigating you - Guidance

An oversight of how we investigate allegations of a breach of our Standards and Regulations.

Issuing Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal proceedings - Guidance

To help you understand the approach we take when deciding whether to issue proceedings in the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal.

Publishing regulatory and disciplinary decisions - Guidance

Understand the approach we take when deciding whether to publish regulatory and disciplinary decisions on our website.