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The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds - Guidance

To help all those we regulate understand their obligations under the Money Laundering Regulations.

Referral fees LASPO and SRA Principles - Warning notice

This warning notice reminds you of your obligations if you have referral arrangements for personal injury work.

SRA Transparency Rules - Case studies

These case studies will help you understand the Transparency Rules and the requirement to publish prices.

Professional indemnity insurance extended policy cessation period - Case studies

These case studies explain when firms must keep us informed if they are having difficulties obtaining professional indemnity insurance during the renewal period.

Failure to provide a proper standard of service or quality, particularly for vulnerable consumers- Case study

This case study illustrates the high level of dependency some clients have on their solicitors and the serious consequences for solicitors who abuse this trust.

Information security and cybercrime - Case studies

These case studies highlight the importance of information security and the growing risk of cybercrime.

Bogus law firms - Case studies

This case study illustrates the importance of firms and clients following up on unusual communications using independent and established means.

Solicitors warned to attend hearings - Case studies

This case study describes when the High Court threw out a challenge from a solicitor who was struck off in their absence.

Conflict of interest - Case studies

To be read in conjunction with our conflicts of interest guidance.

Adequate and appropriate indemnity insurance - Case studies

This case study should be read in conjunction with the guidance on adequate and appropriate indemnity insurance.

Unfair discrimination - Case studies

This case study should be read in conjunction with the guidance on our approach to equality, diversity and inclusion.

Sexual harassment - Case studies

This case study should be read in conjunction with the guidance on the SRA’s approach to equality, diversity and inclusion.

Acting without integrity - Case study

This case study should be read in conjunction with the guidance on acting with integrity.

Making payments from the compensation fund - Guidance

We operate a fund for making grants to people whose money has been stolen, misappropriated, has not been accounted for by a regulated person or those who have suffered a loss against which a regulated person should have been insured under our rules, but was not.