mySRA update

Updating your diversity details

We are committed to promoting and developing a diverse legal sector and making sure that we have the most up-to-date information about those working within it is key to doing this effectively.

To help us do this we are asking all solicitors and others with a mySRA account to check and update their diversity information. We revised the diversity questions recently, so please check your record, even if you have provided this information in the past.

You may have provided this information to your employer if you work in a law firm.  The data collected by your firm is reported to us every two years in an aggregated way, so we cannot use this information to populate your personal records for more detailed monitoring or reporting.

How to update your details

To update and edit your diversity information, first log in to mySRA:

  1. Go to 'My profile'.
  2. Select the 'Equality and diversity' tab.
  3. Click 'Edit' at the bottom of the page.
  4. Once you have updated the information, click 'Save'.

Please complete the whole section, all the questions include a 'prefer not to say' option. The information you provide is confidential. It cannot be seen by your employer, even if you're opted in for them to manage your personal information.

This means you are responsible for personally updating this information, even if your employer manages other elements of your mySRA account, such as you practising certificate renewal.

The information is held confidentially at the SRA and restricted to a small group of staff who use the data for monitoring or reporting purposes.

Why we collect this information

Having access to accurate and comprehensive diversity information helps us to understand the profile of those working in the legal sector and better design what we do to help those who work within it. It helps us plan our work, develop policies and better understand what is happening in the sector. It also supports out work in monitoring our how our education, authorisation and enforcement activities affect different people.

How we use the information

We may use this information in the following ways:

  • to inform our publications or engagement with people as part of our work to promote diversity in the profession
  • in our regulatory reform work to help us monitor the diversity impact of the changes we make
  • to help us meet our public sector equality duty, for example monitoring our decision making by protected characteristics
  • to facilitate research and analysis by others
  • to meet reporting requirements to the Legal Services Board or the Ministry of Justice.

We make sure that no-one can be identified from any data that we publish or share with others. We will not share your personal information with external organisations. Read more about privacy, data and information at the SRA