mySRA update

Tell us about manager changes and notification deadlines

Before you renew your practising certificates and pay for your firm fees in October, you need to make sure that the information we have about your firm is correct.

You need to let us know about any changes to certain manager roles before the renewal period. You can do this through mySRA.

Here are the deadlines and processing timelines.


How tell us of the change Deadline

Solicitor – deemed manager

Registered European lawyer (REL) – deemed manager

Registered foreign lawyers (RFL) – deemed manager

A firm's authorised signatory or organisation contact can add an already approved deemed manager in the firm's mySRA.

This is done through 'Add a role'.

These changes take effect immediately.

You should notify us within seven days of any change to your managers.

Solicitor – non deemed manager/owner

REL – non deemed manager/owner

RFL – non deemed manager/owner

Non-solicitor lawyer managers/owners

Non-lawyer managers/owners

Please complete the Individual Approval application form.

If you want new managers or owners to be seen within mySRA when the renewals window opens, you need to apply for approval by 17.00 on 31 August 2022.

Please note that complex applications may take longer than the usual 30 days – in some cases up to six months.

Compliance officer for legal practice (COLP) / compliance officer for finance and administration (COFA)

Apply for approval of a compliance officer

If you want a new compliance officer to be seen within mySRA when the renewals window opens, you need to apply for approval by 17.00 on 31 August 2022.

Please note that complex applications may take longer than the usual 30 days – in some cases up to six months.

Solicitor – deemed owner

REL – deemed owner

RFL – deemed owner

Authorised body – deemed manager/owner

Apply to add a manager or owner

If you want new managers/owners to be seen within mySRA when the renewals window opens, you need to submit a notification by 17.00 on 16 September 2022.

Authorised body – non deemed manager/owner

Other legally qualified bodies and non-legally qualified manager/owners

Apply to add a manager or owner

It can take up to three months for a decision, so please apply quickly.

Notifying us of succession

Please submit your notice of succession notification form by 17.00 on 31 August 2022. This is so we can process the form before October.

If you submit your form after this date, then there may be a delay. The fee that appears on your bulk renewal form will only be updated once your form has been processed.

If you send us your form after your bulk renewal application has been submitted, we may ask further questions or require additional fees. It may also delay the issuing of any practising certificates / registrations.