Fee calculator 2021/2022

This calculator will help you determine your firm's 2021/22 periodic fee and the practising certificate (PC) or registration fees of any individuals opted into your firm. Please note, that this will not calculate the fees for the authorisation of new firms.

The fees were approved by the Legal Services Board on 11 August 2021.

6  August 2021

To calculate the 2021/22 periodic fee, we will take the turnover figure declared on the 2020/21 application. This will be based on the last closed accounts prior to 31 October 2020, e.g. April 2019 – March 2020.

Authorised signatories and organisation contacts can view the application submitted last year in mySRA under My Organisation - Application and Documents.

Information entered below is not submitted to or stored by us.


As you enter information in the form, the costs will be automatically calculated at the bottom of the page.

Firm information

Fee calculator 2021-2022

Fee results

