Look for our clickable logo

What does the logo mean?

If you see the SRA clickable logo on a firm's website, it tells you we regulate them.

The clients of firms we regulate are protected should things go wrong. This means: 

  • They must have the correct insurance.
  • You can complain to us and the Legal Ombudsman if you are not happy with your solicitor.
  • We could help get your documents and money back if something goes wrong.

Learn more about our logo – watch our short video

Look for our clickable logo

Different options might be right for you when shopping around for legal help. Our logo could help you choose because only law firms that we regulate can put it on their website.

So you can expect them to:

  • Keep your money safe
  • Follow our rules

If this matters to you, look out for this logo.

You might also find these pages useful

Learn how much you will pay

Understand your right to complain