Innovation and technology in legal services


We commissioned the University of Oxford to conduct a major independent study looking at current and potential innovation, and adoption of technology within the legal sector.

The purpose of this research was to further increase our understanding of this area and to identify where and how we, and others, can support progress or help to remove barriers to growth in the future.

Supporting lawtech and innovation, especially that which improves access to justice for all, is one of the three core objectives within our 2020-2023 Corporate Strategy.

The Research Report

Read our executive summary to find out about

  • why we commissioned this research
  • the key findings
  • how we intend to use the insight it provides 

You can also read the full University of Oxford report.

Listen to report authors Professor Mari Sako and Dr Richard Parnham, outline some of the report's key findings (each podcast is around 8-10 mins):

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Technology and Innovation in Legal Services webinar


SRA Innovate

Through SRA Innovate we offer support to law firms and innovators in the use and development of lawtech.

We can offer support that helps you design, develop and deliver proof-of-concepts, run trials to measure the benefit, impact and risks of technology in legal services, and socialise output to help improve adoption of new and emerging technology across the legal sector.

Get involved

Check our current projects page.