Intervention Archives – File Retention Policy

Categorisation of Files in IAD and Appropriate Retention Periods

  1. No files will be destroyed in the first 12 months following the intervention.
  2. No 'Property Purchase & Mortgage Files' will be destroyed in the first two years following the intervention as they are likely to contain 'registered deeds'.
  3. Any files which contain documents of historical interest should be labelled as such on the electronic record in a searchable / reportable format.
Matter Type Includes Retention Period
Administration Employment records
Law Society / SRA correspondence
Miscellaneous paperwork
Tax records
PAYE records
Trade invoices / creditors
3 years from date of intervention or closure of the firm
Client and Office Accounts Ledgers
Bank Statements
Cheque Stubs
Payment Slips
Financial records
7 years from date of intervention or closure of the firm
Business Company Formation
Company Licences (inc Alcohol / Bar etc)
Copyright / Patent / Trademark
Partnership Formation
Sale / Merger / Purchase
Business Insolvency
Share Issue
Business Agreements
7 years from the date the matter was concluded or from the last correspondence on file
Divorce, Children Disputes & Ancillary Relief Divorce
Child Protection
Court of Protection
Custody / Contact (inc Grandparents)
21 years from the date the matter was concluded or from the last correspondence on file
Immigration General Advice
Application for a Passport
Citizenship / Nationalisation
Work Permits
7 years from the date the matter was concluded or from the last correspondence on file
Leasehold and Tenancy Lease Agreements
Licence Agreements
Licence to Assign / Sublet / Underlet
Licence for Alterations
Tenancy Agreements
7 years from the date the matter was concluded or from the last correspondence on file
General Litigation Civil
Personal Injury / RTAs
Industrial Injury
Medical Negligence
Mental Health Act / Sections
Prison Matters
7 years from the date the matter was concluded or from the last correspondence on file
Private Client Non-litigation advice:
General Advice that does not go to Litigation
Employment / Pensions
Personal Insolvency
Tenancy Disputes
Property Maintenance
Housing Disrepair
Planning Permission
Powers of Attorney (but not Enduring / Lasting )
Change of Name
Complaint about a Solicitor / Law Society
Council Tax arrears
Education Issues
Insurance Claim / Policy
Statutory Declaration
7 years from the date the matter was concluded or from the last correspondence on file
Property Purchase & Mortgage Files Purchase
Purchase of a Freehold
Purchase of a Long Leasehold
Mortgage / Remortgage
Deed of Postponement
Mixed Property Purchase & Sale
Deed of Easement / Covenant
Default in repayment of Mortgage
Right to Buy
Transfer of Equity
7 years from the date the matter was concluded or from the last correspondence on file
Property Sale & Other Property Matters Sale of Property
Sale of a Freehold
Sale of Long Leasehold
General Property Advice
7 years from the date the matter was concluded or from the last correspondence on file
Trusts, Wills & Probate Will Drafting
Trust Matters
Lasting / Enduring Powers of Attorney
Court of Protection
21 years from the date the matter was concluded or from the last correspondence on file

Categorisation of Original Documents in IAD and Appropriate Retention Periods

  1. Only original (and not copy or certified copy) documents can be Original Documents ("ODs").
  2. All deeds and associated property documents for the same property should be amalgamated together and retained for either 2 years (registered titles) or 21 years (unregistered title) from the date of intervention. Although this may appear to be a short timeframe it is worth noting that letters will always be sent to the current occupiers of unregistered properties or land notifying them of the position and asking them for their urgent instructions. Retention timescales will also be highlighted in the letter. A retention period of 80 years will apply to unregistered titles where a contact address is not available. In relation to registered titles, most property documents will have already been incorporated into the title and therefore be redundant.
  3. Commercial leases / tenancy agreements and associated documents should be retained for their duration plus 3 years.
  4. All non property related ODs will be retained separately for 80 years.
  5. Any ODs which are documents of historical interest should be labelled as such on the electronic record in a searchable / reportable format.
  6. Documents clearly marked as having been deposited with solicitors for safe-keeping shall be treated in the same way as ODs and will be retained for 80 years.
Original Document(s) Retention Period
Property Deeds / Documents

Official documents relating to ownership of property


  • Deeds (Conveyances, Indentures etc)
  • Abstract / Epitome of Title
  • Transfer of Land (including TR1, TR2, TR4, TR5, TP1, TP2)
  • ASsent (including AS1, AS2, AS3)
  • Deed of Covenant
  • Grant of Easement
  • Declaration / Severance of Trust (relating to ownership of property)
  • Lease*
  • Assignment of Lease*
  • Mortgage Deed / Legal Charge
  • Assignment of Mortgage / Charge
  • Deed of Postponement
  • Notice of Mortgage / Charge
  • Redemption Certificate
  • Discharge of Mortgage / Charge (including DS1, DS3)
  • Indemnity Policy
  • Guarantee Certificate
  • NHBC Certificate
  • Declaration of Occupancy

*Only long leases (typically 60 years or more) reserving a nominal ground rent should be included in Property Deeds / Documents. Shorter commercial leases should be categorised as Lease Documents (see below).


  1. If more than one of the above items are identified for the same property then they should be bundled together.
  2. If a deeds packet is uplifted then only limited sifting is necessary to assess whether the packet contains ODs which fall into one of the other OD categories (in which case they should be removed and retained separately).
  3. Only the following Property Deeds / Documents relating to registered properties need to be removed from a file and retained separately:
  • Declaration / Severance of Trust
  • Indemnity Policy
This is because the file itself will be retained for at least 7 years from completion and won't be destroyed until at least 2 years after the intervention.
2 year retention from date of intervention for registered deeds and documents
21 year retention from date of intervention for unregistered deeds and documents
80 year retention from date of intervention for unregistered deeds and documents where no contact address is available

Lease Documents*

Documents giving the tenant / lessee ownership of the property for a limited period subject to annual rent


  • Lease
  • Licence to Assign
  • Deed of Assignment
  • Licence to Sublet / Underlet
  • Licence for Alterations
  • Notice in relation to above

*This category is intended for commercial leases (typically 25 years or less) usually reserving a non-nominal rent. Longer leases should be categorised as Property Deeds/Documents (see above).


  1. If more than one of the above items are identified for the same property then they should be bundled together.
  2. If a lease packet is uplifted then only limited sifting is necessary to assess whether the packet contains ODs which fall into one of the other OD categories (in which case they should be removed and retained separately).
  3. Original lease documents vest in the tenant whereas counterpart / duplicate documents vest in the owner of the property.

Term of Lease plus 3 years

(subject to a minimum period of 3 years from the date of intervention)

Tenancy Documents

Documents giving the tenant / lessee occupation of the property for a limited period subject to annual rent


  • Tenancy Agreement
  • Licence / Occupation Agreement
  • House Share Agreement
  • Severance of the above


a) Original tenancy documents vest in the tenant whereas counterpart / duplicate documents vest in the owner of the property.

Term of Tenancy plus 3 years

(subject to a minimum period of 3 years from the date of intervention)

Mortgage Deed / Legal Charge

Official document giving lender legal right and interest in the property


  • Legal Mortgage
  • Assignment of Mortgage / Charge
  • Deed of Postponement
  • Notice of Mortgage / Charge - Consent to Mortgage / Charge
  • Declaration of Occupancy


a) If uplifted as part of a deeds packet then to remain with those deeds as 'Property Deeds/Documents'.

b) Only unregistered documents need to be removed from a file and retained separately because the file itself will be retained for at least 7 years from completion and won't be destroyed until at least 2 years after the intervention.

2 year retention from date of intervention if registered

80 year retention from date of intervention if unregistered

Life Assurance / Mortgage of Life Policy

Insurance policy which on death of policy holder will pay out a sum which will cover the outstanding value of the mortgage


  • Assignment of Policy
  • Notice of Assignment of Policy

80 years from the date of intervention.

Endowment Policy

This combines a mortgage loan with life insurance, at the end of the term the policy should have generated enough income to cover the cost of the mortgage

80 years from the date of intervention.

Will / Codicil

Codicil - a document which amends or clarifies a specific provision in a Will


  • Deed of Family Arrangement

Not including:

  • Grant of Probate
  • Letters of Administration
80 years from the date of intervention.

Power of Attorney / Court of Protection Deputy

Document granting authority for one person to act on behalf of another person either for a specific reason or to manage their affairs generally


  • Lasting Power of Attorney
  • Enduring Power of Attorney
  • General Power of Attorney
  • Court Order appointing Deputy
80 years from the date of intervention.

Acquisition of Business / Goodwill Taking over customers or trade from a successful business


  • Purchase / Sale of Business Agreement
  • Assignment of Goodwill
80 years from the date of intervention.

Deed of Partnership

An agreement between people who want to jointly run a business

80 years from the date of intervention.

Retirement Policy

Similar to a Partnership Deed but details the provisions for a business when one partner retires

80 years from the date of intervention.

Patents / Copyrights

A document confirming exclusive rights to an invention, usually determining how things are made or work


  • Assignments
80 years from the date of intervention.

Deed of Gift / Trust


  • Appointment of New Trustee(s)
80 years from the date of intervention.

Statutory Declaration An official declaration (statement of fact) which is signed by client and witness by solicitors


  • Affidavit

Not including:

  • Declaration of Solvency.
80 years from the date of intervention.

Change of Name Deed

Legal document whereby a person changes their name

80 years from the date of intervention.

Marriage Certificate (foreign only)


  • Civil Partnership Certificates
80 years from the date of intervention.
Birth Certificate (foreign only) 80 years from the date of intervention.
Passport (foreign only) 80 years from the date of intervention.

Immigration Order

Document showing immigration status known as leave to remain

80 years from the date of intervention.

Share Certificate / Bonds

Official document confirming ownership of shares / investments

80 years from the date of intervention.
Grave Deeds

Official document showing ownership of a Grave

80 years from the date of intervention.
Personal Effects / Valuables Items / Documents clearly marked as having been deposited with solicitors for safe-keeping 80 years from the date of intervention.