Problems and complaints

Learn what to do if you have a problem or complaint with solicitor or firm.

Your right to complain

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If you are unhappy with your solicitor or their firm, you have the right to complain. They must tell you how you can complain to them and publish their full complaints procedure.

They must also tell you how you can complain to us and the Legal Ombudsman.

What must solicitors' firms publish?

You can expect to find information on their website about how to complain. If they don't have a website, you can ask them for this information instead.  

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If the firm cannot resolve your complaint

The Legal Ombudsman could help you if you are unhappy about:

  • the work your solicitor did for you, including how they communicated with you or how long they took
  • your bill.

If you are concerned about your solicitor's behaviour

The SRA can help you, or take action, when solicitors:

  • tell lies
  • steal from you
  • shut down without telling you
  • break our rules.

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