The application process

If you want to make an application to the Compensation Fund, please complete the application form.

You may find it useful to refer to the supporting notes when completing the application form.

Once you have completed the application form, please send it to us, along with your identification and evidence, by email or post.

What happens once we receive your application form

When we receive your application form, we will acknowledge receipt and send you a reference number. Please use this reference number when contacting us.

One of our investigators will consider your application to decide whether it comes under the Compensation Fund Rules.

If we need more information from you, we will contact you.

After considering your application, our investigator will contact you to discuss your application and to let you know whether they can recommend a payment. The investigator does not make the decision themself. They make a recommendation to an authorised decision maker.

If the investigator recommends a payment, they will prepare a report for a decision maker. The decision maker does not have to follow the investigator’s recommendation.

If the investigator does not think they can recommend a payment, they will contact you to discuss this.


Most applications that we receive are straightforward and we will aim to deal with them within four months of receipt of the application and all relevant evidence.

Some of the applications will take us longer than four months to deal with but we will keep you updated of its progress.