SQE training providers list

We publish a list of providers and organisations who:

  • deliver SQE education, tutoring or training services
  • produce SQE-related study materials and resources

We do not accredit or endorse training providers or organisations. We also have no role in approving, endorsing or overseeing the training courses or materials, or their quality. The list is intended to help potential SQE candidates to find training.

This is not a comprehensive or definitive list of all training providers or organisations but of all organisations who have asked us to be on the list.

Candidates should make their own enquiries to satisfy themselves as to the quality and suitability of training, and the products and services that organisations on the list offer.

To be added, please read our SQE Trademark Terms of Use and Conditions of the List and our Privacy notice before applying below.

Find out more about using the SQE trademark.

Conditions for being on the list

Please note the following specific points about the list (full details of which can be found in the Terms of Use):

  1. We will allow you, without charge, to use the SQE trademarks only on the basis of our Terms of Use.
  2. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the list without notice. We may need to suspend access to the list and your entry periodically.
  3. We accept no responsibility for the inability of access to the list, for any delays, interruption, service failures, errors, or lack of availability of the list or any other problems outside our reasonable control and any loss or damage arising in relation to the same.
  4. We may reject, suspend, or remove your entry from the list at any time, without liability, without cause and/or for any of the following reasons:
    • you commit a breach of the Terms of Use
    • your purpose for using the SQE trademarks is not in line with the Terms of Use
    • we cease to publish the list, or we choose to withdraw the Terms of Use; and/or
    • you cease to be a training provider.
  5. Removal of your entry from the list is without prejudice to any rights or obligations which we shall have accrued prior to such removal.

If you no longer wish to be included in the list because, for example, you decide to stop offering SQE training services, you should let us know by emailing us.

Below is a list of training providers who have registered to use our trademark so far. Details of further providers will be added in due course: