Annex 4: Template for provider reports

Annex 4 - Template for provider reports

Content and format of the LPC Annual Report

Programme evaluation

A critical self-evaluation of the course provision should be provided, including the following:

  • Evaluation of whether, overall, the course remains current and valid in light of developing knowledge, and practice.
  • Evaluation of the extent to which the intended learning outcomes are being attained by students.
  • Summary of the changes that have been implemented since the last annual report and the effectiveness of the change.

An account should be provided of the following:

  • Staff development activity - evidence to demonstrate that staff expertise and qualifications have been maintained and developed. Please provide a brief calendar of internal and external events and activities undertaken by LPC teaching staff in the last 12 months.
  • Details of any specific careers events, professional development activities or speakers, highlighting their contribution to supporting the employability, career and professional development of those who take advantage of them.
  • An account of the numbers of students requiring reasonable adjustments, the types of reasonable adjustment required and an evaluation of the effectiveness of the provision.

External Examiners' Reports

  • Copies of all external reports should be annexed to this report.
  • Within the report, a summary and evaluation of the issues raised in the external examiner reports and your response to those issues should be provided.
  • A summary of the results of actions taken in response to issues raised by external examiners in the previous year.

Student complaints and feedback

An outline of formal complaints about the provision, including the following:

  • Grounds for the complaint
  • Your response to the complaint and
  • The outcome - if resolved

An analysis and summary of student feedback, including response rate, to include students response to the following:

  1. The arrangements for collating student feedback and the response rate
  2. The quality of teaching
  3. The quality of the organisation and the administration of the course
  4. Assessment arrangements
  5. Academic and pastoral support
  6. Teaching and learning resources

Please provide details of practices that have led to a positive impact in relation to

  • your approach to the accreditation of prior learning
  • identifying and arranging reasonable adjustments and
  • improving the response rate for obtaining student feedback.

An action plan

An action plan covering actions either implemented or proposed resulting from external examiners' reports, student and staff feedback should be included in the report.

The action plan should also include details of actions taken in response to issues raised by external examiners in the previous year.