Managing trainees

Please remember it must be a training principal or authorised signatory who signs off a period of recognised training (PRT). Other roles, such as organisation or training contact, can view training records but cannot sign off a trainee's PRT.

Candidates can only qualify through this route if they meet our transitional requirements.

If they do not meet these, they will need to qualify under the SQE.

SRA training requirements

If your trainees started their period of recognised training on or before 24 November 2019, they need to meet the requirements within the SRA Training Regulations 2014.

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If you started your period of recognised training on or before 24 November 2019, you need to meet the requirements within the SRA Training Regulations 2014. This means they need to gain experience in at least three distinct areas of English and Welsh law (often known as seats). This work needs to include both contentious and non-contentious work.

If you started on or after 25 November 2019, it is the Authorisation of Individuals Regulations and the Education, Training and Assessment Provider Regulations.

These trainees should work in various areas of law, but the three distinct areas are no longer needed. This training must include contentious work

Character and suitability

We assess character and suitability when someone applies for admission to the roll of solicitors. However, under our regulations, trainees can have any potential issues checked at any time. Find out more in the Training principal roles and responsibilities section.