What to expect before and after admission

Before admission

When we grant your application for admission to the roll, you will receive an email letting you know you can choose your admission date in mySRA. 

Admission day and after

On the day you are admitted we will issue your admission certificate. You will need to generate your certificate in mySRA. This will be available to download immediately from 'my individual applications' and documents in mySRA.

Once admitted you may need a practising certificate (PC) if you want to carry out reserved legal activities.

Find out if you need a PC and, if you do, how to apply for a PC.

When a person is admitted to the roll of solicitors they will be included on the Solicitors Register within 24 hours.

Admission ceremony

The Law Society (not the SRA) will invite you to book a place at an admission ceremony.

This will take place after your admission date at the Law Society Hall in Chancery Lane, London. Attendance is optional.

For further details visit the Law Society’s website

Applying for a practising certificate

Once you have been admitted as a solicitor you can apply for your first practising certificate online through mySRA. Learn how to apply for a practising certificate.

Continuing competence

All solicitors must maintain their competence to carry out their role. This means you must keep your professional knowledge and skills up to date throughout your career.

Find out more about continuing competence